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October 14, 2020

The Alternative to WeWork

Coworking is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States. If you’ve traveled for work, you’ve likely found yourself at a coffee shop trying to find a spot to be productive. Getting work done at coffee shops is great until people sit too close, or you can’t find an outlet or the only spot open is next to the bathroom. We’ve all been there. 

So, then what? If only you could find a quiet space with comfy chairs, lightning fast wifi, outlets galore, and coffee (let’s be real – this is the most important part.)

Coworking spaces are common in high-tech cities — think San Francisco, Portland, and Austin — because these cities are densely populated with remote workers. In these cities a monthly coworking membership can cost around $380/month (pencil that out and it comes to $12+ per day!) This makes it incredibly difficult for everyday people to afford a membership, resulting in a high-entry barrier, keeping resources, networking, and focus at bay from entire populations of people trying to build something incredible. 

This is where Hashtag sets itself apart from the big city coworking communities… 

Back in 2011, Fresno didn’t have a coworking space. Our founder, Irma Olguin Jr,. realized that Fresno was a prime spot for coworking to exist and succeed. Between university students, small business owners, freelance artists, and so much more – a common space to work and learn together seemed like the perfect idea! Plus, the more we researched, the more we realized coworking would be a great fit for Fresno:

  • Fresno’s tech community was growing and there wasn’t a space for tech enthusiasts and remote workers to congregate. 
  • Like technology education and careers, coworking shouldn’t be exclusive to ‘large’ tech cities. Places like Fresno deserve these things too!
  • High barriers of entry are not helpful in allowing people to successfully have the resources to get their work done. Our low membership price would allow anyone and everyone to try coworking out.

Hashtag Cowork Place is intentionally dropped in Underdog Cities with epic environments, an affordable membership price, and a ginormous invitation: WHATEVER YOU DO, DO IT HERE. 

We’ve had the same membership fee since the beginning: $39/month for an individual. Crazy right? It’s on purpose. Everyone who wants access should be able to afford this 24-hour space with crazy-fast wifi, comfy chairs, free coffee, and a place to contribute their best to the world. 

What sets Hashtag apart from coworking spots that exist in these large cities? Two words: Our people. 

Hashtag is full of creatives, gamers, lawyers, authors, entrepreneurs, personal trainers, and startups who get to be who they are in a space that they can call their own. Walking into Hashtag truly feels like it was made for you with you in mind. 

Are you looking for a place to call your own? We can’t wait to welcome you. Your local Community Catalyst will be in touch 🙂

Carley Feil is the Director of Coworking for Bitwise Industries, overseeing the operations and staff of Hashtag Cowork Place in Fresno, while also working with our expansion teams to establish our new Hashtag locations. She cites working for Bitwise as helping her grow her self-confidence and ability to communicate with others, both at work and at home. In her free time, Carley loves bike rides, kicking butt in Mario Kart, and rocking the Dodger blue. Breakfast is her undisputed favorite meal of the day – just ask her cat, Waffle!