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September 25, 2020

Hashtag Member Spotlight: Joe White

We have a truly unique and diverse group of people who call Hashtag home! Our Hashtag Member spotlight is a chance to get to know some of our members, what they do, and why they choose to do it at Hashtag.

Thanks to Joe White for participating this week! His heart for Hashtag and the Bitwise community is extraordinary. We’re lucky to call him a member and friend.

Where are you from?

Fresno, California born and raised … on Dicky Playground is where I spent most of my days.

What do you do? What kind of business do you run/work for?

I am the directional leader for Neighborhood Church in southeast Fresno’s Jackson Neighborhood. The Jackson Neighborhood is located just east of downtown Fresno. We see our neighborhood as a geographical area of responsibility. Whether the issues are economic, educational, environmental, political, spiritual, or relational, we pursue the well-being of the Jackson Neighborhood and its residents. Right now, 71% of our neighbors don’t have a high school diploma and the average income is $26,000 a year. Metric after metric shows that our socio-economically diverse neighborhood is vulnerable and under-resourced. But we know that’s not the final story. We’ve started a small business that employs residents with barriers to employment, a non-profit which meets specific needs with specialized care, and a weekly church gathering of neighbors seeking the wellbeing of the neighborhood.

How did you find Hashtag?

Downtown Fresno is at the center of my universe and it’s my obsession to know all things Fresno! (I also live near Hashtag.)

What’s your go to productivity trick?

I make a realistic list of things to accomplish at the beginning of every day and then I don’t stop until the list is completed. Once a week I turn off my phone and home internet to remind myself that productivity and success aren’t my life’s highest achievement.

How has Hashtag contributed to your productivity/success?

Four words: Coffee maker and printer

What is the one thing you miss the most about Hashtag?

I miss having a place to go to everyday! I miss getting out of the house to work in an inspiring space.

What would you want a prospective Hashtag Member to know?

Know that I might look busy and I might be busy, but I always have time to talk with you. Feel free to say hi!

In the past, what was your favorite Hashtag event?

Waffle Wednesday! Eating the waffles that Carley makes for members every month – is there anything better?

What things are you looking forward to when Hashtag re-opens?

Eating waffles, drinking endless Lanna coffee, and using the printer.

What is something that surprised you about Hashtag when you became a member?

I was surprised how easy it was to call it “my office.”

If you could add one thing to Hashtag, what would it be?

More sound proof phone booths and conference rooms!

What’s one of your favorite Hashtag memories?

Rolling into Bitwise on a holiday and having the whole building to myself along with the Bitwise security team! So peaceful and so safe!

What is something you’ve learned during shelter-in-place, and why is it important?

A prerequisite of personal transformation is when your sense of certainty is killed in a crisis. True transformation rests on this indispensable truth: growth happens when certainty doesn’t.

Would you recommend Hashtag to others?

Yes … and if you take me out for a beer, I’ll be happy to tell you why!

Are you a Hashtag Member that wants to be featured on an upcoming member spotlight? Shoot an email to our Community Catalyst, Sadie Cobb at [email protected] for more information!