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November 24, 2020

Hashtag Member Spotlight: Floyd Sanchez

Floyd has been with us since the beginning and we love what he adds to our Hashtag community. Thanks for participating this month, Floyd!

Where are you from?
I’m from Madera, CA. I’ve lived in Downtown Fresno since 2007.

How did you find Hashtag?
I went to the open house sneak peek at Hashtag’s original Tower location and signed up on the spot. I like to think I was the first member of Hashtag!

What do you do? What kind of business do you run/work for?
I own a branding studio called Ppl. I’m the creative director.

What’s your go to productivity trick?
Making lists!

How has Hashtag contributed to your productivity/success?
When Hashtag first opened, I really enjoyed that there was a space that existed where at any given moment you could pop in and connect with other people that were working on cool, community oriented projects in design & technology. Now I value the consideration that’s been put into the space at the latest location and how it’s a great place to get a ton of stuff done!

What is the one thing you miss the most about Hashtag?
Regular meetings with my teammate, Alexa.

What would you want a prospective Hashtag Member to know?
Hashtag is the best deal in co-working. It’s local, homegrown, and if you’re looking to get out of your home office or away from your desk at your workplace — and into a hyper-creative, hyper-productive place from time-to-time — this is it!

In the past, what was your favorite Hashtag event?
I haven’t attended many events, but I have to say the Grand Opening was awesome!

What things are you looking forward to when Hashtag re-opens?
Just a regular normal day working in the space.

What is something that surprised you about Hashtag when you became a member?
The eclectic mix of cool people all under one roof.

What’s one of your favorite Hashtag memories?
Hanging out with the teams cramming for the very first 59DaysofCode was awesome and very inspiring. At the time, finding other people working in design and tech was like feeling around in the dark, and Hashtag really brought them all together in a very tangible way.

What is something you’ve learned during shelter in place, why is it important?
Everyone was originally reluctant to our to Zoom meetings and teleconferencing, and insistent on in-person meetings … I think that’s changed over time!

Would you recommend Hashtag to others?
I would highly recommend becoming a member of Hashtag, and a participant in its community. It’s one of the coolest things I’ve been a part of in my 13 years Downtown!