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February 2, 2021

Networking in Quarantine


Hashtag’s Coworking and Community Blog has a new post live all about how to manage networking while working remote. Community Catalyst Megan Cardenas shares valuable resources, tools, and tips on how to creatively network while working from home. Here’s a sneak peek!

Remember networking? Those mixers built to connect like-minded colleagues, ice-breaker activities, exchanging business cards and scheduling follow-up meetings? It used to be so easy to connect with others, especially at places like Hashtag, that are built for cross-collaboration and networking. Networking is vital to the survival of most of our businesses, even now during remote work. So while the idea of yet another Zoom call might seem daunting–after all, “Zoom fatigue” is a real thing–the reality is we NEED each other, and for now the safest way to connect is via our screens.

Click here to read the entire post, and be sure to check out the other posts while you’re there!